Product Shipping

After placing your order and receiving the confirmation email, your order is usually processed within 1 business day for dispatch. Should there be any issues allocating stocks (this is a fast-moving industry and items can duck in and out quick) we'll recommend any similar colours/variants or an expected ETA for stock replenishment.

To ensure that you receive your new phone as quickly and safely as possible, we use a range of delivery options. Delivery times for all options are detailed below. Note that we currently do not ship to PO Boxes. 

INSURED COURIER DELIVERY - 3-7 business days transit time. Freight is generally handled by Toll Australia. Next day from our Hong Kong dispatch warehouse into Sydney International. Additional day to Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and major regional centres. Other more regional areas are usually between 6 to 10 business days depending on remoteness.

Our shipping cost with flat rate at $14.95.  At the shopping cart, you can enter your postcode for an exact shipping quote.  Please stay tune that we may have free shipping offers from time to time.

VERIFICATION - Please note that handling times begin once an order has been verified. We may contact you after the order has been placed to verify order and account details. Please ensure that we can reach you on the email address supplied and that you respond promptly to any requests.